Sunday, February 6, 2011

Thesis Critique February 4th

My large scale oil paintings are about the role of GM as not only a symbol of America’s strength, but an indicator of our economic and political climate; and symbol the automobile has in embracing individual within a collective society.  

I found this critique with Derek extremely helpful in bringing up new questions in my work in regard to the meaning behind the car design and the social/political/economic point in history.  At the end of WWII and height of the Cold War, the American car industry was at it's highest, producing cars such as the Charger, Mustang, and Camaro.  After the bail out of GM, they have been putting out the new versions of the Charger, Mustang, and Camaro.  I do not think this is an accident, but instead the use of these nostalgic symbols of strength to revamp our auto-industry, and would love to continue researching possible correlations during these times in reference to the use of consumer psychology. 

I am thinking about including powerful American pop-culture icons, such as Brad Pitt and putting him by a 1960s Camaro; And paint a 2010 Camaro and include James Dean in the background, pushing the idea of juxtaposition of times of America's strength. 

Artists that were brought up to look at are Mel Ramos, Richard Prince, and Raymond Pettybone.  

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